In the name of merciful and powerful god
Hello friends, how is going vacation?
Are you in trip or yet haven't?
Now is night and I having special felling. I don’t see any interesting thing and I more like to cry but this not because of my problems or because of my willing….. Only I like cry and cry same a person who is far from his\her home and thinking about his \her living and parents but I am in my home and with my family then why I must be this kind? Only and only I like to cry and I don’t like less this…
Now I am very cool and I think that nobody cannot do agree me .I like to be alone with myself because I see that long time is that I wasn't with myself! And more times I was ignoring that same that ppls who are …. From problems and truth.
Really I don’t know that what will happen after some seconds …. I will be alive or not… now I don’t fear from die!! Because its truth. And if u see that some times I fear from die it's only and only is because of my doing …
Really why we are this kind and why more times we are away from ourselves?!
You think that why a person must think about killing her\his self (4 example in Japan or china…) and more of them are young!
Why some pple thinking about killing others (4example in Iraq ...)?
Maybe u answer that they are silly persons and dangerously ….but I will ask again from you that why they must be silly and crazy?
I think this is result of ignoring ourselves. And also ignoring some limits that are useful for every body…..first for our and then for others.
When u ask from that pple who ignoring them, they answer: we use our freedoms. But really they don’t know mean of freedom!!
Then they must don’t put shoes because of freedom for foot! But we put and accept this because this is useful for our.
This is a limit but useful.
About month ago I heard about freedom sexy relation between men or women together!
And I hear that some government accepts that! (Very very silly thinking).
Then we must accepting some other disease that yet we don’t know it.
I remember the HIV that born in ignoring sexy relation between males and females ….and now after many years government try to control that but really they can do it?
You know that I am a Muslim boy and my saying in above are ban in Islam.
I know that every thing that are ban in Islam also in Christians religion and jewels having a reason.
Once I heared a advice that now I understand that this kind: every thing that we do ban for pple …..If they ignore that they will got a new disease and problem.
And this means that if you do limit in this you will have a better live.
Again for example: eating meet of pork and alcolic drinking are ban in Islam.
Its true that drinking maybe are nice to you but in future u will see its result in your mind and body…+ I hear that after many years now scientists find out that meet of pork have a virus….
…if you like to study a useful and wonder book that never and never not older for future ….. I advise to you studying the Quran.
You have any religion or not?!!!!
This is one of my questions from my friends.
I think it's because of my believe that more of we accepted that.
I believe that we have a other live after die.
We think this kind because we believe the god and you can understand the god in our inside and with thinking about the creating the world and…..
Because u knows that every thing that created, it have a creator. Creator is cause of creating.
Then I am in wonder of some of friends who think god isn't!!!!!
When I ask from their why you think this kind they saying to me because of my country (socialism) …
Really why we are this kind? Are u think that we cannot think and decide about my future and every thing that was in many years ago it's true and haven't other side!!! Really I hate from that pples who following others without thinking about …
When I ask from their that what u think about creating of world and your….. They answer to me : I don’t think about that!!!
But really you think how many years u will be alive …or you think that die is for others pple and yet we will be alive 4 a long time!!?
Only I can say that I believe god.
God is in my heart.
God is my supporting in problems….
Then when I have a problem I don’t say I have a big problem…I say I have a big and powerful god that is merciful and supporting me… if I don’t ignore my self…..