Friday, September 23, 2005

In the name of Allah

2day is end of my summer vacation. Tomorrow will begin my second term & I hope 2 do it well.
How u spend your vacating or study? Or only spending the time?
Trip +trip is good 2 all of me. But if we can!!!

2day I want put a learning Persian=Farsi language… because I like 2 learn my friends language.
I will be happy if u send same 2 me+ thanks you kika for ur sending in friendser(andonezian lanquage)
+And thanks u my Chinese friends…. Xie xie.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Today is a great day for shia… happy+happy+happy birthday of imam Mahdi
Today is wedding of my cozen + after that my bro want 2 marriage with his lover..inshallah

Yesterday TV was showed move of marry(mother of Jesus).its about marry and Jesus.
This movie is produced by Iran and is very very beautiful and nice. Its produced by Muslims +Christian liked it because it is …

Some pics:

Yester day I was chatted with a person from Indonesia…it was wonder 4me!!!

some joke!!!
1: Muslims are terrorist!!!!
2: saddam is Muslim and he is terrorist.!!! also about beenladan!!.
3:been ladan don’t grove up by America!!!.
4:saddam and been laden are good babe for their father(America)!!!
5:saddam did not attakted to iran and he wasnot supported by America and west.!!
Best: diplomacy isn't complex!!!

Hey what happened to us?!!!
Why we making a friendly relation with others?Only because we are selfish!!!
I hate from these kinds of relations. but if I got one person same this I will be friend with him\her 2 show 2 him\her that, what is true friendly relation…also maybe I punish him\his!!!
Because we must be responsible about my friends or every body who we know him\her.
A nice advice from Islam: if u likes any thing for yourself , like it to ur friends
If u hate from a thing u don’t like it 2 ure friends 2

Others aren't ur doll or …that when u want play it.
How many friends u have? Why?
How many chat mate friends u have? Why?
How many time u spent to chat? How many years is that u are chatter? Why?

What can make u happy?
About me…I will be happy if I can make happy one other.

I say all of these because I like u. because I see some pple who are….but I don’t like that u be same them. this make sad me.
They only learned that living and then dying. I think that they are robot.
Got some money -think only about ur benefit>>>>. This mean robot.

If u can be merciful and if u can 4give others (but no all)u can understand mean of mild& cool.

Don’t ignore ur sense and try improve that.
Don’t allow that studying or working, make u away from urself.

In the name of Allah merciful and powerful and 4give…

Hello again
How is every one? Any problem?
Now time is 12.22 pm…. This mean now is night and dark…
Yester was a good day 4 me. I was with one of my old friends, he is my old classmate

Also about 3 days ago we had a nice trip 2 mountain with some other old friends.
Really the time is spending very very fastly…
We were in high school but now in college…
Some of we more changed in these years.
Hey what happened to us?!!!….

Monday, September 12, 2005

اگر سر به سر تن به کشتن دهيم از آن به که کشور به دشمن دهيم
چو ايران نباشد تن من مباد بدين بوم و بر زنده يک تن مباد

Complaining about doing dishes, because that means she is at home not on the street.

من از خدا ممنونم که دختر جوانی دارم که همیشه از شستن ظرف ها می نالدو این یعنی که او در خانه است نه در خیابان.

I am thankful for the taxes that I pay, because it means that I am employed.

من ازخدا برای مالیات هایی که می پردازم ممنونم زیرا که این یعنی من کار می کنم

.I am thankful for the mess to clean after a party , because it meansthat I have been surrounded by friends.

من از خدا ممنونم به خاطر ظرف های که بعده مهمانی مجبور بشورم زیرا این یعنیکه با دوستانم بوده ام.

I am thankful for the clothes that a fit a little too snag, because it means I have enough to eat.

من از خدا ممنونم که لباس هایم برایم تنگ می شود زیرا این یعنی کهمن غذایی برای خوردن دارم.

I am thankful for weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day, because it means I have been capable of working hard.

من بخاطر درد و خستگی که پس از یک روز کاری بهم دست میدهد از خدا ممنونمزیرا این یعنی که من قادر بوده ام یک روز کار کنم

I am thankful for a floor that needs mopping and windows
That need cleaning, because it means I have a home.

من بخاطر پنجره هایی که مجبورم تمیز کنم همچنین بخاطر دیوار هایی که مجبورم گردگیری کنم از خدا ممنونم چرا که این یعنی اینکه من خانه ای داشته ام.

براي هر چيزي دليلي بايد ، و دليل خردمند تفكر است ، و دليل تفكر خاموشي .

بهترين چيزي كه به وسيله آن بنده به خداوند تقرب مي جويد ، بعد از شناختن او ، نماز و نيكي به پدر و مادر و ترك حسد و خودبيني و به خود باليدن است .

هرگاه مردم گناهان تازه كنند كه نمي كردند ، خداوند بلاهايي تازه به آنها دهد كه به حساب نمي آوردند .

در دين خدا دنبال فهم عميق باشيد ، زيرا كه فهم عميق دين ، كليد بصيرت و بينايي و كمال عبادت و سبب تحصيل درجات بلند و مراتب بزرگ در امور دين و دنياست .

براي هر چيزي زكاتي است ، و زكات تن روزه هاي مستحبي است .

التماس دعا

About religion in quran and..:

God say that: sended about 24000 's Messenger to show true way for pple.
But only five of them are greatest and more important.
1. Nooh: he was first's Messenger from god. He lived about 999.u can study his story in quran ++ in history.

2.IBRAHIM: he is maker of Kahba. Kahba is in Arabistan and this place are very very peace place … I hope 2 see there.. also some week ago my parent my little bro had a trip 2 there.

3. Moosa: he is one other Messenger from god. His following are Jewish. He was lead the pple in Egypt&…. Its story is great and he have some wonderful doing to show the pple that he is God 's Messenger…

4. Isa: he is Jesus. He was one other god 's Messenger. also he have some wonderful doing from god …to show to pple .
He has born from marry. He could to speak when he was only a new babe.more other wonders..

About marry in quran: she is one of great women in the world since creating the world.
When she born the Jesus she was virgin… it mean that never she hasn't any relation with a man to make a baby….

5. Mohammad(sallahhal): he is endest god 's Messenger for lead the pple. this mean after he we haven't one other 's Messenger.
He is wonder of the world. he was born in arabistan. In that years Arabs was living in a false way. they was killing their daughter because they shame to have a girl baby!!!.
They was pray some thing that was making their self...
In that years poem was major between Arabs. For this quran is wonder of mohammad Because god say in quran that>>> never and never pples cannot make a book same that. and if all of pple help together and using the water of all seas they cannot make a book same quran…
Also when Mohammad sallahah bring the guran, Ago of that he cannot to read or study. but after that he …..!
In quran u can study about the ago and now and future.
Quran is talking of god with pple.
Quran is wonder of wonders.

All of these show that all of these religions are about one god.and lead pple 2 one major way.
Also in every of these religions say about next religion… and this finished in Islam.
But a question!!! Why God send all of these messengers with difference names?
If u thinks u will find ur answer.

U can study all of these in quran and in history and in other religions…then u will know that all of this are true.

God fear those pple who ignore these and don’t believe the god. And say to pple that thinking about the world and all of thing…because all of these are reason of being god.
Try to be freedom from others and accept ur religion with thinking (this Islam way)
Because after die we must be responsible and able 2answer about our doing and our thinking.

One believes in some pple:

One believe between some pples is this that Jesus is god or son of god!!! I think that this is very silly thinking!
How is that a person be god but then he pray!!!
Also in quran god say that: I haven't any son or…. >> this mean god is one.
Also in quran god say that Jesus is alive and will comeback in end of the …

Some pple are thinking that they are best of pple on the earth.. But I can show 2 u their history and their behavier with Mosa…..
Some of pple make some change in Christian bible! Also they know this.
Once I ask from 1 of my friends about that. She answers 2 me that these change are better for …!!!!
Then u mean that u know more than ur leader!!? Or u say I follow my leader?

But about quran I can give trust 2 u that it's completely true. Only maybe some pple do mistake in translating it.
Reason: God say this in quran.

U can study all of these in history and in other religion…then u will know that all of this are true.

In finish sorry because of my poor English.
And I like that we help 2gether 2 find true…

In the name of Allah

Try to do more good thing and Be merciful with pple and animals&….,if u do this, u will see its result in ur live (in this world and other world).

Our problems in live mostly are result of our&... doing.

Reason>> scientist find out that energy don’t defend and only changing. Same changing electric 2 mechanic +++ in this years scientist try to find a way for show our doing in ago(same watching TV) … also god say 2 pple in quran that >>> care about ur doing in ur live because after die u will see it and its result in front of ur self.

If u wants make a problem for ur friends … know that first u will fall in that.

God say be merciful with ur parent and do their wanting unless they want that u do a thing against of god saying…..but in this times also u must give respect 2 them.
Also if u does this ur child or Childs will do for u.

In Islam: if u want 2 be merciful be one person …that person is ur mom.
If u want be merciful with other person that person is ur mom2……
Then if u want be merciful with 1 other person …that person is ur father.
This show value of mother in Islam and blessing of mother for Childs in more ….

Try to follow the true way and say the true +++also if it's against of u.

Never don’t say lie because god say that …:these kind of person are enemy of me.

I know that more of we are not this kind but, will be …,because we want and we try to be.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

ye rooz ye baghebooni ye marde asemooni , nahali kasht mioone , baghcheye mehrabooni , migoft safar ke raftam ye rooz o roozegari , in koochake yase man mimooneh yadegari , har rooz ghoroob atre yas too koocheha mipichid , mioone koocheh bagha booye khoda mipichid , oonaei ke nadashtan az khoobia neshooneh , didan ke khoobie yas baese zeshtishooneh , aberaye bi ehsas pa gozashtan rooye yas , saghehasho shekastan , adamaye nasepas , yase jabvoon barge oon tekieh zadesh be divar ' khast bezaneh javooneh amma sar oomad bahar ' ye baghebooneh dige shabooneh yas o bardasht ' penhoon ze namahrama too baghe digei kasht ' hezar sale koocheha por mishe az atre yas ' amma makane oon gol moondeh hanooz nashenas

az darafe aga farid

چشمهاي بي نماز دستهــاي بي وضو
قلبهــاي بــي تپش سينه هاي كينه جو
كوچ تلــخ باغبان , حـا كميـت خـزان
دور ، دور نام ونان عصر،عصر رنگ وبو

مردهاي زن پرست دختران تن پرست
چشمهاي هرزه بين گا مهاي هـرزه جو
همچو قصـه اي كهن مي روند يـادهـا
كوچه هاي داغــدار لاله هـاي سرخ رو

نه اثر زنخل وخون , نه نشاني از جنـون
سر برآسمان كشند كاخهــاي تو بـه تـو
تشنه ام خداي من , چون زمين تفتـه اي
وارهــان دل مرا از كــويــر پـيـش رو

غنچه هــاي اشكم آه , باز نا شكفته ماند
كـو كسـي كه بشكفد , مهر بغضم از گـلـو

كبوترا داد مي زنن خدارو فرياد ميزنن

بالهاشونو بازمي كنن سجده رو آغاز مي كنن

عاشق ميشن با هرنفس دوباره پروازمي كنن

آدما داد ميزنن سرخدا فرياد ميزنن سنگو بر ميدارنو كبوترا روميزنن

از نوشته های دوستان در سایت تبیان

Happiness can not come from with out

It is must come from within

It is not what we see and touch or that which others do for us which makes us happy

It is that which we think and feel and do first for others fellow and then for ourselves

شادكامي نه از برون ، كه از درون فرا مي رويد.

شادكامي آن نيست كه مي بينيم و لمس مي كنيم ، يا چيزي كه ديگران براي ما انجام مي دهند و شادمانمان مي سازد.

شادكامي آن است كه ما مي انديشيم ، حس مي كنيم و انجام مي دهيم ، نخست براي ديگر همنوعان و سپس براي خود

From a site

Old Friend

Old friend, so you're in trouble again
دوست قديمي دوباره ناراحت و پريشاني

you ask me today to try and find a little time
ميخواهي که مقداري از وقتم را با تو بگذر

Old friend, I'm coming through
دوست قديمي به سمت تو مي آيم

Old friend, yes I remember you, always a smile on your face
تو را به ياد مي آورم به همراه لبخند هميشگي روي چهره ات

Oh memory from years before, an old man and a little boy
و خاطره هايي از سالهايي که گذشت وپسري که به پيرمردي مبدل شد

Old friend, I remember you
تو را به خاطر مي آورم

You used to take me fishing down by the wishing well
هميشه مرا همراه خودت به چاه آرزوها ميبردي كه

One day you threw a wish in, and we listened while it fell
آن روز آرزويت را به داخل چاه پرت کردي و با هم به صداي افتادن آن گوش کرديم

And you made a wish
و تو آرزويي کردي که چنين بود:

When the years are heavy and my heart is growing cold
وقتي که زمان به کندي مي گذرد و قلبم به سردي مي گرايد

Well I wish when the evening comes
آرزو دارم وقتي که غروب فرا مي رسد

That there'll always be
تا هميشه

...Some old friend who'll miss me too
يك دوست قديمي باشد که دلتنگ يکديگر باشيم

Well I do, so old friend I'm coming through
قبوله!!! من به سمت تو ميام

Yes, for you I'll always find the time
و براي تو هميشه وقت خواهم داشت

I'm here by your side, Oh, to the very end, Old friend
من اينجا تا هميشه و تا ابد در کنار تو خواهم بود

I miss you too...My dear old friend
من هم دلتنگ توام دوست عزيز و قديمي من

From a site

پرواز کن پرواز کن اي بال کوچک

تا فراسوي تصور پرواز کن

لطيف ترين ابر، سفيدترين فاخته

بر فراز نسيم عشق بهشتي

از سياره ها و ستاره عبور کن

و اين دنياي متروک ما را ترک کن

از اندوه و درد خلاصي ياب

و دوباره پرواز کن

پرواز کن پرواز کن اي گوهر گرانبها

سفر بي پايان تو آغاز شده است

به سوي شادماني دل انگيز خود حرکت کن

Fly, fly little wing

Fly beyond imagining

The softest cloud, The whitest dove

Upon the wind, of heaven's love

Past the planets and the stars

Leave this lonely world of ours

Escape the sorrow and the pain

And fly again.

Fly. Fly precious one

Your endless journey has begun

Take your gentle happiness

Far too beautiful for this

Cross over to the other shore

There is peace for evermore

But hold this memory bitter sweet

Until we meet

Fly, fly little wing

Fly where only angels sing

Fly away, the time is right

........Go On! Find the light