Saturday, February 18, 2006

all thing are changing
only change will not change
in this way all of we will loss our thing
but god will not chang
god is god
اگر سربه سر تن به كشتن دهيم
از آن به كه كشور به دشمن دهيم

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Complaining about doing dishes, because that means she is at home not on the street.
من از خدا ممنونم که دختر جوانی دارم که همیشه از شستن ظرف ها می نالدو این یعنی که او در خانه است نه در خیابان.
I am thankful for the taxes that I pay, because it means that I am employed.
من ازخدا برای مالیات هایی که می پردازم ممنونم زیرا که این یعنی من کار می کنم
.I am thankful for the mess to clean after a party , because it meansthat I have been surrounded by friends.
من از خدا ممنونم به خاطر ظرف های که بعده مهمانی مجبور بشورم زیرا این یعنیکه با دوستانم بوده ام.I am thankful for the clothes that a fit a little too snag, because it means I have enough to eat.
من از خدا ممنونم که لباس هایم برایم تنگ می شود زیرا این یعنی کهمن غذایی برای خوردن دارم.
I am thankful for weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day, because it means I have been capable of working hard.
من بخاطر درد و خستگی که پس از یک روز کاری بهم دست میدهد از خدا ممنونمزیرا این یعنی که من قادر بوده ام یک روز کار کنمI am thankful for a floor that needs mopping and windowsThat need cleaning, because it means I have a home.
من بخاطر پنجره هایی که مجبورم تمیز کنم همچنین بخاطر دیوار هایی که مجبورم گردگیری کنم از خدا ممنونم چرا که این یعنی اینکه من خانه ای داشته ام.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Ya hosseine shahid
Again come moharram month and every body is sad with remembering ashora event.
Sad becouse of imam hossein and his dears. Really he was for freedoom and killed in this way for God.
i don’t remember any event same as this.
Now after many years muslims and also someothers remembering this great avent and crying for that….really imam hossein is for every body in every country..for freedom
If u havnot any religion ,if u don’t belive the life after die, try 2 living freedom!

Anton Bara: if Hussain belonged to us, we would elevate a flag for him in every land and raise a structure in every village in order to preach about him and we would invite people to Christianity in his name
السلام علي الحسين و علي الاولاد الحسين و علي الاصحاب الحسين

Somedays is that finished my second term of study…and I wait 2 register for new term.
I was in Village and today i was a good trip.if I can also I will go in spring.
News: tommor follow iran news…. Becouse it is day of changing iran regime .this days is not nice to usa government,becouse in these days changed their wanted regime.
Tommorow we will see iranians response 2 west.

I bless 2 you my grandfather.maybe you dead…but you are with we, becouse yet we remember you and blessing.