About religion in quran and..:
God say that: sended about 24000 's Messenger to show true way for pple.
But only five of them are greatest and more important.
1. Nooh: he was first's Messenger from god. He lived about 999.u can study his story in quran ++ in history.
2.IBRAHIM: he is maker of Kahba. Kahba is in Arabistan and this place are very very peace place … I hope 2 see there.. also some week ago my parent my little bro had a trip 2 there.
3. Moosa: he is one other Messenger from god. His following are Jewish. He was lead the pple in Egypt&…. Its story is great and he have some wonderful doing to show the pple that he is God 's Messenger…
4. Isa: he is Jesus. He was one other god 's Messenger. also he have some wonderful doing from god …to show to pple .
He has born from marry. He could to speak when he was only a new babe.more other wonders..
About marry in quran: she is one of great women in the world since creating the world.
When she born the Jesus she was virgin… it mean that never she hasn't any relation with a man to make a baby….
5. Mohammad(sallahhal): he is endest god 's Messenger for lead the pple. this mean after he we haven't one other 's Messenger.
He is wonder of the world. he was born in arabistan. In that years Arabs was living in a false way. they was killing their daughter because they shame to have a girl baby!!!.
They was pray some thing that was making their self...
In that years poem was major between Arabs. For this quran is wonder of mohammad Because god say in quran that>>> never and never pples cannot make a book same that. and if all of pple help together and using the water of all seas they cannot make a book same quran…
Also when Mohammad sallahah bring the guran, Ago of that he cannot to read or study. but after that he …..!
In quran u can study about the ago and now and future.
Quran is talking of god with pple.
Quran is wonder of wonders.
All of these show that all of these religions are about one god.and lead pple 2 one major way.
Also in every of these religions say about next religion… and this finished in Islam.
But a question!!! Why God send all of these messengers with difference names?
If u thinks u will find ur answer.
U can study all of these in quran and in history and in other religions…then u will know that all of this are true.
God fear those pple who ignore these and don’t believe the god. And say to pple that thinking about the world and all of thing…because all of these are reason of being god.
Try to be freedom from others and accept ur religion with thinking (this Islam way)
Because after die we must be responsible and able 2answer about our doing and our thinking.
One believes in some pple:
One believe between some pples is this that Jesus is god or son of god!!! I think that this is very silly thinking!
How is that a person be god but then he pray!!!
Also in quran god say that: I haven't any son or…. >> this mean god is one.
Also in quran god say that Jesus is alive and will comeback in end of the …
Some pple are thinking that they are best of pple on the earth.. But I can show 2 u their history and their behavier with Mosa…..
Some of pple make some change in Christian bible! Also they know this.
Once I ask from 1 of my friends about that. She answers 2 me that these change are better for …!!!!
Then u mean that u know more than ur leader!!? Or u say I follow my leader?
But about quran I can give trust 2 u that it's completely true. Only maybe some pple do mistake in translating it.
Reason: God say this in quran.
U can study all of these in history and in other religion…then u will know that all of this are true.
In finish sorry because of my poor English.
And I like that we help 2gether 2 find true…